Tip of the Week – Diversification- Aug 28/23

Diversification:  Did the Covid Pandemic make you look into other things and diversify.

Have you downsized in areas or created new avenues for revenue?

Some companies used the pandemic to thrive while others struggled...

Questions to Ponder:

What are areas that you could look into to diversify?

What are areas that could be focused on?

What are areas that could or should be downsized?

Are there areas within your industry that could be added?

Are there areas outside of your industry that could be added?

Take a close look at your profit and loss reports and see where changes can be made or tweaked to up the profit margin and diversify.

Have fun with it!

Open communication to your staff and see what ideas they might have to offer and see where that goes!

Visit www.customizedbusinessessentials.com to see if they can help!

Tip of the Week brought to you by TIPINIONS www.tipinions.com 

1 thought on “Tip of the Week – Diversification- Aug 28/23”

  1. Your blog post was a real eye-opener. It challenged my perspective and made me think critically about the topic. To continue the journey of exploration, click here.

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