Tip of the Week – Advertising – Nov 6/23

Advertising:  What captures people’s attention? 

It is always beneficial to do something catchy regarding your business.   

What is your business slogan or have you created one? 

What is a sticky note saying that captures what you do? 

When you have created it, how do you or how will you use it? 

Do you do internet advertising? Radio? TV? Email Marketing? 

What is the best form of advertising for your business? 

Do you rely on word of mouth? 

Do you know if your clients suggest you to their friends, family or associates?   

Start an incentive or referral program for your clients to refer you to others? 

Check your options and consider what will work best for your business. 

Questions to Ponder: 

What will work best? 

What best represents your company? 

How will you go about it? 

Tip of the Week brought to you by TIPINIONS www.tipinions.com