Tip of the Week – The Importance of Data – Dec 4/23

The Importance of Data:  I have always been a numbers person – they have always intrigued me.  Numbers are the universal language in my opinion. 

1+1=2 in every language.  Numbers don’t lie – they just are.  Being accurate with numbers has always been important to me – which is probably why I did bookkeeping on the side for over 20 years.   

I have also been a person driven by data.  Making decisions based on the accurate data found helps assist in making the best decisions for the business. 

It is important to reflect on historical data, create a simple chart in excel and compare the data when making business decisions – it assists in being proactive instead of reactive. 

Make sure you are making the effort and taking the time to capture the necessary data, so that you will have the correct historical data to reflect on when needed. 

Also double check the data, to make sure that it is accurate and correct, so that when it is needed – it is right and you can rely on it. 

Questions to Ponder: 

Do you use data, opinion or emotion to make choices for your business? 

Are you always fighting fires – reactive decision making? 

Would you like to become more proactive? 

Allowing your business to be more proactive instead of reactive can be more productive, create a more positive environment and overall profit – being reactive costs more money! 

Check out www.customizedbusinessessentials.com!   

Helping Companies become more Productive & Profitable from the inside out! 

Tip of the Week brought to you by TIPINIONS www.tipinions.com