Merry Christmas – Dec 25/23

We take better care of our vehicles than we do ourselves.  We keep up on the maintenance, regular oil changes, etc.   

We take our bodies and mind for granted. We have such high expectations regarding our bodies and minds. We expect them to run great everyday - at times or with regular lack of rest and relax time, burning the candle at both ends, always on, always under pressure, in constant motion basically. We don't always watch what we eat, add minerals and vitamins that are vital to our daily life as our bodies do get depleted of some over time, watch what we do or are around (environment) and then we wonder why our bodies and minds don't always function at 100% all the time.  

We take time to reboot our phones and computers but we don't think to do that for ourselves. Hmmm 

Look at your life currently - if you were your best friend, what would you say to yourself? We tend to be more gentler on others than we are to ourselves. Take time today to be gentle to yourself and start making a habit of that! 

Take / make time to enjoy your family, friends and even yourself this Christmas season.

Questions to ponder: 

Do you do a regular cleanse or detox to help maintain yourself like your vehicle? 

If so, how often do you do it? 

Do you allow yourself time to reboot or will you start?