Tip of the Week – Abbreviations – Feb 12/24

Abbreviations / Acronyms:  Many different companies and industries use abbreviations or acronyms to shorten things.  The trouble with this is sometimes different abbreviations mean different things and people may not always be talking about the same thing depending on what industry or experience they have from their past. 

If you are going to use abbreviations and acronyms, it is important to have a key, a chart, a cheat sheet – so that everyone knows exactly what each one means and uses it accordingly. 

Take time to make the cheat sheet and update regularly as needed! 

Questions to Ponder: 

Do you use a lot of abbreviations or acronyms? 

Is everyone on the same page where they are concerned? 

Have you ever had a mishap with abbreviations and acronyms?  

Tip of the Week brought to you by TIPINIONS www.tipinions.com