Tip of the Week – 5S – Oct 17/22

5S Tip:  When I would do my presentation on Lean 5S; what it stands for and what difference it makes to your work place, this exercise was the best tool I included in the presentation for the easiest explanation and understanding.

I have provided a link in which to complete in your business with your employees.  It just needs to be printed and then takes 5 minutes to accomplish in a group.  It is a great explanation, provides the best understanding and helps to change the culture in wanting to create the Lean 5S environment.


It is definitely worth taking 5-10 minutes to complete this exercise in a group environment as it stimulates conversation, ideas and teamwork.

Questions to Ponder:

Is it worth taking the time to do this exercise?

What will you put on the list to start sorting?

Create a priority list and slowly work your way through it.

Check out a previous post on Lean 5S posted on October 27, 2021 for further ideas - on www.tipinions.com.

Tip of the Week brought to you by TIPINIONS www.tipinions.com