Tip of the Week – Christmas Bonuses – Dec 19/22

Christmas Bonuses: Does your company provide a Christmas bonus?

This is a perfect time to show your staff that what they contribute is appreciated.  The reason this is the perfect time, is that people are spending more money in December due to the holiday season.

It has been my experience that people are generally undervalued during the process of companies handing out bonuses.

When staff feel appreciated, they generally perform better, feel more fulfilled and are more passionate and loyal to the company.

An idea to utilize at this moment would be a profit share option.  Have the financials in order to obtain the necessary figures and calculate the bonus, along with a profit share portion and hand them out in the beginning of the 2nd week of December.

This would be a very unique and rewarding experience for your staff members.

Questions to Ponder:

What is your current bonus criteria?

Is it working for you?

Would a bonus/profit share idea work in your business establishment?

Tip of the Week brought to you by TIPINIONS www.tipinions.com