Tip of the Week – Injured on the Job – Apr 3/23

Injured on the Job:  If you get injured at work, do you report it?

Some do and some don’t.

What I am trying to bring your attention to is this; it may not be a big thing now and you may be able to live with it or it just affects your life for a few days… now, at this time, at this age…. But what about ten years from now, fifteen or twenty years from now? 

If there is nothing on record for the injury that happened, you have absolutely nothing to go on and it actually may affect your life a lot more than you think.  Then you will have nothing to fall back on.

Don’t just take care of yourself in the now… think about your future and take care of you properly.

Questions to Ponder:

When were you injured?

What happened?

How was it documented?

Would you do something different in the future?

Take care of you - past, present and future!

Tip of the Week brought to you by TIPINIONS www.tipinions.com