Networking Chat Room Disclaimer, General Rules, Regulations & Guidelines

The following is a list of guidelines that have been provided to create the safest environment for our Networking Members.

These rules, regulations and guidelines must be adhered to by all Members.

The moment you connect to the networking chat room, you are agreeing to follow the rules, regulations and guidelines set forth in this Networking Chat Room Disclaimer.

This network is run by a private organization which reserves the right to censor, remove and/or ban any individuals that do not uphold all rules and regulations that have been agreed upon and listed. This networking chat room may be monitored and therefore, any individual that is seen partaking in any of the following content during conversation may be banned from all contact with this network.

General Rules, Regulations, Guidelines & Suggestions

Customized Business Essentials is not responsible for any type of harm caused due to sharing things such as, personal e-mail, telephone number and street address. Although most people on the site are here for business networking, there may be untrustworthy people out there who may not have the best intentions. Please proceed with caution.

This networking chat room has been designed for people to network, gain support, encouragement, create business relationships and possibly assist each other with new clients by referrals. Please take time to review the Disclaimer prior to joining the networking chat room.

We are here to assist one another and do not need judgement or opinions, but rather support and encouragement. Please be mindful of your words. (Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, and surrounding environment, through a gentle lens.)

Prohibited Behavior

  • Foul language. Please refrain from using swear words, even in a disguised form. Less offensive curse words will be tolerated, but with discretion. Failing to adhere to this rule will result in a possible ban.
  • This network is English speaking only. Any Participant that repeatedly uses other language(s) (especially with the intent of causing irritation to others), will be banned.
  • Flooding and Spamming will not be tolerated. This network's definition of flooding and spamming is overusing any word, letter, number or symbol with the sole intention of disrupting the flow of the networking chat room. Continued flooding and spamming can result in a ban.
  • The consistent use of CAPITAL letters is also discouraged. Using capital lettering infrequently to make a point is fine, but refrain from using capital letters as much as possible; this will prevent others from assuming that your attitude is hostile. Continued use following a warning may cause a ban from this network.
  • Unsolicited invitations to any other websites are also prohibited and will result in a permanent ban. No exceptions.
  • Any action that results in the disruption of this network will be handled immediately and without leniency. You will be permanently banned. Disruptions include hateful and intentional actions which hinder the safety of other users, verbal abuse, spamming/flooding, any breaking of the above listed banned content, and hostility. Along with a permanent ban, your Internet Service Provider (ISP) will be contacted.
  • We will not tolerate attempts to ban evade. If you are caught attempting to evade a ban, you may be exterminated from the entire network. Your membership will be terminated. The safety of the community is our first and only priority.
  • Attempts to steal passwords or to take over to serve your own personal goals will also not be tolerated and will result in a permanent ban from the network.
  • Any sort of illegal activity which takes place on Customized Business Essentials, for example, pirating or hacking, will result in the network calling your local law enforcement agency and giving them all useful information for prosecution, including all connection logs, all public conversation that has occurred on our network.
  • Links to any other site for the purpose of advertising as opposed to helpful information will not be tolerated. It will result in a ban from the entire network. Do not Advertise on Customized Business Essentials – period.  If you are wanting to be part of our Resource Section - please email to discuss.
  • Harassment and abuse of Customized Business Essentials members will not be tolerated. Harassing or abusing anyone, will result in immediate action. Actions taken will include, banning or termination from the network. The severity of the punishment will depend on the severity of the abuse.
  • Impersonation of any Customized Business Essentials administrator will not be tolerated, and will result in a ban.
  • We do not accept the use of any automated scripts or bots on the network.

Customized Business Essentials discourages conversation regarding the following topics:

  • Sexual Conversation
  • Racism/Anti-Semitism/Hate
  • Glorification of Alcohol/Drugs or Suicide
  • Politics
  • Software Piracy
  • Religion
  • Disrespectful discussion of another's Culture or Nationality
  • Disrespectful discussion of another's hardship, choices or journey

The list above is not exhaustive, but demonstrative. We will act on other topics that are deemed inappropriate and out of context with the philosophy of Customized Business Essentials.

Any threat, direct or indirect to this website will result in an immediate and permanent ban.

We welcome any and all reasonable and mature suggestions and/or requests, but will not tolerate threats, abusive remarks, or inappropriate behavior either on the network or through any written correspondence.


It is expected that each Member / participant of Customized Business Essentials will make attempts to moderate their own environment before seeking assistance or filing a complaint against another participant.

Customized Business Essentials will do all it can to protect you, but you must take efforts to protect yourself as well.


If you feel that you were banned from the network in error, please contact us at Please include the necessary information and a written record of the incident which caused the ban. Without that information, nothing can be done. Furthermore, if your correspondence includes hateful, disrespectful language, your communication will be ignored, and your ban will not be lifted.

Privacy Policy

Customized Business Essentials respects the privacy rights of its Members and recognizes the extreme importance of protecting information. Accordingly, our policy is to never disclose any information to a third party unless legally obliged. Please read the full Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions and other necessary documentations to gain a full understanding in the Policies Section.


Customized Business Essentials takes no responsibility whatsoever for opinions expressed or actions taken by Members. Customized Business Essentials is not liable for how anyone reacts or responds to any content found within this site, its network room or any external links this website hosts.

All sections of this website are used by you (the Member), at your own risk and without liability to us (the Provider), in any shape or form. Moreover, Customized Business Essentials reserves the right to ban or remove any individual or individuals at will for any reason and at our discretion.

These Terms & Conditions and or Policies can and will be changed at will without notice.

Customized Business Essentials welcomes everyone over the age of Eighteen for respectful and considerate business conversation.