“December 2022 Spotlight”

Christmas Hamper Programs

There are many different non-profit organizations that provide the hamper gifts to a number of families to help ease the extra financial burden at Christmas as well as provide some good Christmas nourishment and memories.

For years, I have been involved in collecting donations from clients and friends to assist the local Salvation Army in their “Adopt a Family Program”

Below are a couple of websites that provide the best information on this topic:



We have had the opportunity to be a part of something bigger than ourselves.  It is the true meaning of Christmas to me – to share, to give.

You never know how much you impact people’s lives.  Sometimes the smallest gesture from you is the biggest to someone else.

You never know when you will be the one giving or the one receiving. 

Sometimes life sends us curveballs and when it does, be grateful for the wonderful people and organizations that provide such service to those who truly need it.

We don’t just keep the donations to food or Christmas gifts – we give anything and everything.  I go through my house every Thanksgiving weekend and whatever hasn’t been used in the last year (for the most part) is given away.

Take time to go through your cupboards – you would be surprised at what others can utilize or are needing. 

Lots of people are immigrants who come to this country with suitcase in hand – anything they don’t have to spend money on out of pocket is truly a blessing.

Find a local organization and become part of something bigger than you at Christmas!

Be a blessing, and be blessed!