“February 2023 Spotlight”

Innotech Nutrition Solutions

When my mom had her minor stroke in April of 2021, a very close friend of mine recommended CardioFlex Q10 – see below link for full details


My friend knew of different heart attack and stroke victims that were on it and it helped them in general.

I found and purchased it that same day and my mom started it immediately.  It is a simple 1 scoop of powder mixed with 250 – 500 ml of water every morning before eating breakfast and it tastes really good!

Originally my mom was on it, then my dad started taking it. I’ve been on it for about 6 months now and have definitely noticed a difference. 

The most beneficial aspect for us that we can see, has been the fact that we haven’t been sick – we are building our immune system and it is working. 

It is an inexpensive, easy to take supplement with many benefits – some you will notice and some you will not really know as it is working on the inside!

In the past few months, I have started taking the Liquid Ionic Calimag. 

I am in the process of using the Detox 101 and Wholy Tea and have started using a product called Fasting Days.

I do a detox or cleansing every year and have been doing that for quite a few years now.  I noticed that we take better care of our vehicles than we do our bodies.  We run ourselves ragged, eat and drink crap, get little sleep or exercise but expect peak performance at all times… recipe for disaster??

So, I started to take care of myself the way I would my vehicle and I my body thanks me for it!

Recently I had the opportunity to meet Wayne Friesen, CEO of Innotech Nutrition and was very impressed with how approachable, informative and down to earth he is.  I learned so much about myself in that time we spent together. 


I recommend and encourage anyone and everyone to dive into learning about what these products could do for you!

Check out their products and information…