“January 2023 Spotlight”


Every business requires a certain level of technology to operate and exist in our world.

Whether you are local, national or international, technology plays a huge role in the success of your business.

So why do so many companies scrimp on this?

Many companies see technology as a must have but as it is a sunk cost in their opinion, they keep the cost to a minimum.

I see technology as an investment for your company – you can use anything you purchase as a tax write off.

The problem is most people do not budget technology into their annual budget and update their technology on an as needed basis – when something breaks down.

I encourage you to create a realistic budget for your IT needs.

In this budget consider these:

  • Hardware needs (see Hardware Tip on Jan 9/23)
  • Software needs (see Software Tips on Oct 24/22 & July 4/22 and more will be posted)
  • Backup (see Backup Tip on Nov 1/21)
  • Firewall (see Firewall Protection Tip on Aug 1/22)
  • Email (see Email Tip on Sept 5/22 & June 20/22)
  • IT Company or Department – are you leading them in the decision making or are they?  Are you allowing them to prioritize and create the best practice & best for your environment road map for your company? 

(all Tips can be found on www.customizedbusinessessentials.com)

Please take time to look into the things listed above and recognize that spending money on one of the key pillars and foundational pieces of running your business is an essential investment, and not a sunk cost.

Also take into consideration of the breaches that are happening all around the world to many companies and what that would cost you (in time and money), your business (your employees and reputation), and losing the trust in your clients.