“June 2022 Spotlight”

Canada’s Farming Industry

I wanted to spotlight an industry this month that has taken a hit this year.

I live in the Prairies – where farming in a way of life.

Agriculture is everywhere around me – from farms to stores to everything in between.

We have large scale farmers, small scale farmers, grain farmers, livestock farmers. We have organic farmers and regular farmers.

This year, the farmers have been dealing with drought in some areas and flooding in others.

With drought, the crops don’t grow properly – they are stunted, smaller, less nutrients and much less gets produced.

With flooding, the farmers can’t get on the fields to get their crops in and if they did by chance get them in, they are sitting in water, and they may not even start to grow.

There are some areas that will do well but not many as it sits right now.

How does this affect our world – those that are not in agriculture – what does it mean to us?

It affects us:

  • The crops will not be as good
  • There may not be as many crops
  • Grain shortage for animal and human consumption
  • Grain prices will increase
  • Groceries will increase
  • Farmers will not be spending much money in the stores which means economic decrease
  • Stress
  • Hardship

Some links to provide some information you may never have considered that give you food for thought:











I hope you had some time to look into this further and realize the importance of the Canadian Farmer and how one of our industries may directly affect you and your bottom line.

Recognize their hardships but be grateful for the career and life that they have chosen.

Realize that It’s because of them that we have a raft of food in the stores.

When our farmers have a successful year our whole economy benefits, along with our food supply!

We are very fortunate to have the amazing resources we have because of our farmers.

Thank a farmer today for the work they have chosen to do and the wonderful food that they supply for our country!

I just want to add that this month’s spotlight was given from my point of view.