“March 2023 Spotlight”

Fodder Solutions

To me, the video says it all.  The product is simply awesome!

This is something I stumbled across when I was doing a presentation on horse feed for a client.

After finding this product, this is what was recommended in the end to purchase instead of buying alfalfa from different locations and shipping across the ocean.

This gives the best nutrition that can be changed as needed depending on the season with what seeds will be grown.

Feed is something that has been rapidly changing with the different weather patterns, flooding, drought, prices of minerals and vitamins fluctuating.

This gets rid of aging equipment that needs to be maintained and fixed.

This gives you the best control for continual, consistent feed nutrition for your horses – or other animals that could use this system.

It is an easy, self-contained, quick, process with no waste! 

I have shown this video to many and recommended it to some.

Every time I watch the video, it amazes and intrigues me.  I hope you feel the same!