“May 2023 Spotlight”


I am an avid reader....

I have read many books throughout my life but I didn’t start out that way.

When I was in Primary School (Grade 5), I hated being called on to read out loud. I would try to guess where I would have to read and practice it before my turn – I was struggling horrifically.

It was found out in the middle of the school year that I had eye issues – my right eye read 2 lines above my left eye – they were uneven which finally gave me an explanation as to why I was struggling and suffering from Migraine headaches.

From that moment on, I had glasses. The first 2 pairs of glasses had prisms in them to get my eyes to read on the same level.

After that I could read without issue but I had a complex that I had to get over – a memory of the anxiety that I felt previously. This took time to work on and as my reading got better, my confidence grew.

I read what I had to in order to get by in school, however, my love for reading came in my early twenties when I started to read self-help books and research things that I was interested in.

I read many books and I truly believe that if I learn one thing that it has been worth my time.

There are a lot of good books out there with a lot of good, if not great information – the key is being able to apply that knowledge and information by putting it into action in your life.

I have compiled some information on my favorite books – that have been game changers for me or confirmed things that I was in the process of going through.

Books that truly impact me will be recommended, kept and reread.

The Art of Choosing You

The most recent book that I read:

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I found this book informative and I truly enjoyed her perspective. It confirmed a lot of things that I have been working towards and provided more insight into making permanent changes.

Definitely worth the read and looking into her website for services that are provided.

Money Isn’t the Problem, You Are.

The best book regarding money:

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This was an excellent read to delve into the way we perceive money. It gave me such a different point of view on this topic.

I have recommended this book to many people since reading it in 2019. I have since read it again.

Hinds’ Feet on High Places (with an additional devotion)

My all-time favorite book that I read every 2-3 years.

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This book impacts me on a spiritual, visual, mental and physical level. It covers all the basis.

It was very well written.

Please do not take offense with this recommendation – I am a firm believer that when a book refers to God, Divine, Universe, or many of the other names, that it is defined how you choose to define that word.

Whatever that word means to you – your God in your opinion – not how someone else refers to it. You define it for you and your life. Don’t miss out on some amazing reading material because of the usage of certain words. Don’t complicate it!

The first link offers different variations of the book, along with the separate devotional book on Amazon.

The second link is a downloadable pdf version of the book with a devotional – don’t get caught up in the words “for Women” as it is very well put together.

I found that having both was very advantageous and took the book further – deep within me – with having the devotional portion.

I first read this book when I turned 20 (in 1994) and I didn’t get the devotional addition until 2017.

This book is about the journey of life – every time I read it, I am in a different place in my journey and different things stand out and mold me – it impacts me every time I read it – amazing book!

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

Very enticing and confirming read – not everyone could do what he did, however, very grateful he shared this journey and how he shared the journey was brilliant. This book is not based on a true story but rather a fable. The novel is beautifully written and depicted.

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I really enjoyed the Action Summary after certain Chapters as to how to help you utilize and apply the information. It just solidified it.

This book was impactful because he had everything most people are striving for and he left it behind for something better – more fulfilling.

Truly worth the read!

The Secret

Very intriguing information and read regarding life and business!

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I truly enjoyed reading this book and the perspective and information provided.  It truly opened my eyes and mind to some thought patterns that needed to change.

I also believe they did a great job on the movie based on this book.  I have watched it on more than one occasion and recommended it to many people who are not really into reading.

You Can Heal Your Life

I was dealing with health issues and was recommended this book almost 20 years ago.  I bought it and started reading.  It has been my go to book for health information.  When I have an ailment, I go to the middle section – Chapter Fifteen – “The List” from page 145 to 211 – very insightful and worth looking into!


I have recommended this book to many people over the last 2 decades – it provides a completely different point of view and concept on our health.

I am very grateful to her for writing this book – amazing, insightful read.

Very easy to apply this book and incorporate it into your life.

The ideas and concepts on all these books was enlightening and I am grateful each one made its way into my life.

If you are going to read or watch anything impactful, my desire for you is that you remain open to what it has to offer.

Being open minded and having a teachable spirit are key essentials to personal and professional growth!