Tip of the Week – Body – Jan 8/24

As we start 2024, I want to start this year off with a little something different. A different perspective or shift. This is going to be on a more personal note, but the choices we make personally definitely have an effect on us professionally. So for the month of January and into February, we are going to do a short series of tips that will help us both personally and professionally.

Body:  What do you do on a regular basis that is for your body? 

Some people exercise, do yoga, go to the gym, run and that is one form of taking care of your body.  I call it working from the outside in! 

Some people watch what they eat, take supplements, do cleanses or detox’s – I call this working from the inside out! 

Some people go to naturopaths, chiropractors, massage therapy, acupuncture, body talk, reiki, reflexology, and a raft of other modalities that have helped them.  I call this working with others to get things sorted! 

Some people go to the spa, get facials, have wraps, manicures, pedicures, haircuts, color their hair, wax things.  I call this taking care of one’s appearance which makes you feel good. 

There are many different ways we can do things for our bodies. 

Some people do a little bit of all of them, a mixture of these things and some people do none of these things and that is fine too. 

We often have a very high level of expectation that we put on our bodies. Only in our later years do we see the effects of that on ourselves - when it is too late to turn back time and make better decisions.

Look into what can assist you in your work place that would be better choices for your overall body - ergonomics (it actually does work), stretches, lifting techniques, lifting assistance or things that could be purchased to assist in doing our jobs without causing ourselves undue harm or stress.

Questions to Ponder: 

What do you do for your body on a regular basis? 

How do you treat your body at work?

What makes your body feel good? 

What makes you feel good? 

Do something for your body this week! 

Tip of the Week brought to you by TIPINIONS www.tipinions.com