Tip of the Week – Certifications – Oct 2/23

Certifications:  There are many different certifications that you can get that will enhance your resume and overall skillset. 

Many of them are inexpensive and not very time consuming but can give you the edge over another candidate applying for the same position, put you in a position for promotion or a raise.

With online learning, the sky is the limit as to what you can obtain and learn.  When we learn, we grow, when we grow, we evolve and change.  Change is the only constant in life!

See what type, area or direction you would like to move in and do something to make it happen!

Have fun in the process and enjoy the journey!

Questions to Ponder:

What certifications do you currently have?

What certifications would benefit you?

What certifications interest you?

Have you looked into anything along this line previously?

Tip of the Week brought to you by TIPINIONS www.tipinions.com