Tip of the Week – Email Address – Sept 5/22

Email Tip: What are you currently using for email addresses within your company?

A lot of people are still using generic email addresses through your internet service provider.  Do you know that Microsoft Outlook (Office 365) is a much more secure option for company emails?

Microsoft 365 Business Premium provides threat protection, data protection, and device management features to help you protect your company from online threats and unauthorized access, as well as protect and manage company data on your phones, tablets, and computers.  (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/admin/security-and-compliance/secure-your-business-data?view=o365-worldwide)

For more details on these 10 top security tasks, please refer to the link provided for an expanded explanation on each point.

There are so many points of entry for hackers to infiltrate your system, don’t let email be one of them.

Questions to Ponder:

How secure is your current email provider?

How much would changing over to Office 365 cost?

Talk to your IT department or provider today to discuss the best option for you.

If you do not currently have an IT provider, please contact support@customizedbusinessessentials.com for more information.

Tip of the Week brought to you by TIPINIONS www.tipinions.com