Tip of the Week – Importance of PO’s – Dec 11/23

The Importance of PO’s:  It doesn’t matter how big or how small your company is, Purchase Orders are an important part of the buying process. 

They assist in keeping things in order, tracking things, returning things, and help keep thing on budget.  When Employees have to ask for a PO prior to purchasing anything, it keeps people more accountable and on task.  

There are many benefits to implementing or prioritizing the Purchase Order process.  It does add a little bit more paperwork and time, but the effort is well worth it! 

Here are a few links to check out regarding Purchase Orders that will help give you a different perspective: 





Questions to Ponder: 

After checking these out, does it make you think about implementing or having a Purchase Order process in your company? 

Tip of the Week brought to you by TIPINIONS www.tipinions.com