Tip of the Week – Morals – Nov 4/24

Morals:  My preferential definition for morals is a person's standards of behavior and or beliefs regarding what is and is not acceptable – along with the differential intention of your decisions and actions.  It is a combined definition for me of those things. 

In short, morality is how we govern ourselves. 

However, if you google the word morals, you find a lot of different definitions, ideas and concepts around the words morals and ethics.  We will talk more about ethics tomorrow. 

As we grow, our morals are created, built on and changed.  We learn them from those around us, our experiences and we sculpt them as we mature and sometimes, maybe they sculpt us.  These morals become habits.  

Morals vary from person to person. 

They are not something we normally sit and think about. 

Now I am going to ask you to think about yours… 

Put some thought into this – dig deep… 

Question to Ponder: 

What are your morals? 

What are the morals of those around you? 

Are they similar or different? 

Does it matter to you if the people you surround yourself have similar morals? 

Is this something you have thought of before? 

What morals are your children witnessing in you? 

What are their morals? 

What are the company’s morals? 

Tip of the Week brought to you by TIPINIONS www.tipinions.com