Tip of the Week – Spirit – Jan 22/24

As we start 2024, I want to start this year off with a little something different. A different perspective or shift. This is going to be on a more personal note, but the choices we make personally definitely have an effect on us professionally. So for the month of January and into February, we are going to do a short series of tips that will help us both personally and professionally.

Spirit:  We have talked about the body and mind.  What do you do for your spirit on a regular basis? 

There are different things that you can do for your spirit that you do for your body and mind – such as working out, meditating, etc., but there are other things that you can do just for your spirit. 

You can pray, read, listen to music, mentor someone by passing down the lessons in life that you have learned, go for a walk in the woods – nature usually has that effect on your spirit – it feeds it. 

There are many things that we can do for our spirit, if we just take the time to make a point of doing it! 

Questions to Ponder: 

What do you do on a regular basis for your spirit? 

What is something that feeds you spirit and makes you feel good from the inside out? 

Do something for your spirit on a regular basis and see the difference!  

Tip of the Week brought to you by TIPINIONS www.tipinions.com